Contents (in italian) - Academic Year 2003/2004
Lecture notes: Academic Year 2003/2004
Proving program correctness
Fundamental algorithms
Programming paradigms
Imperative programming
Imperative languages
Abstraction (Examples to unzip in the same folder of transparencies; Printed Transparencies)
Object-oriented paradigm (Examples to unzip in the same folder of transparencies; Printed Transparencies)
C (part I)
C (part II)
C (part III)
C (part IV)
C (part V)
Data Abstraction: List, Stack, Queue
(Pascal implementations of:
List with array,
List with pointers,
Stack with array)
Fac simile prova di esonero del 23/4/2004
Prova di esonero del 23/4/2004,
soluzioni del punto 5 (Soluzione 1,Soluzione 2)
Prova di esonero del 4/6/2004
Prova scritta del 18/6/2004
Prova scritta del 2/7/2004
Prova scritta del 16/7/2004
Prova scritta del 2/9/2004
Last update: September 9th, 2004